Siya’s first friend at school Intimate, close and warm bond that siya shares with Keeley, her beautiful English friend is unmatchable. A year prior to her starting her school, I used to wonder how she will adjust and settle. Two months down and she already had uncountable stuff to talk about. Though, I still was ambiguous about her friendship. Needless to say, her teachers often commented in the mornings and home time that siya is quite friendly with all. I had soon witnessed some occasional hugs and warm reciprocation of love between the two. Soon, Siya had a wonderful group of friends. Some names had become quite homely. Keeley, her favorite, Joshua, Taylor, Jaisha, Rachel and Dejorn. Being a mom, I was the most relieved person. I could relish her stories more happily and we both enjoyed talking long hours about her school escapades. But, it had to last! Nursery was about to end! Siya had to step on another platform, a more big class, a much bigger school and many more children. ...
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