Life, Literacy and Pride

 language and life, its a weird combination. You need language to live life and you need life to live a language. It seems complicated, well! actually it is!

Growing up in school, Literacy was an essential subject. In fact, it was a skill. A skill that provided security for a better future. The aura and the pride associated with this special talent was incomprehensible. People watched you speak and were enthused by the art of raillery. Even though, it was a mere statement! Being articulate and emphatic was an additional asset.

Life was beautiful. Whilst basking in the glory of this new found love and sharing the experience with everyone around; it seemed the romance would never fade. It all gradually gave in to pride. A joy of being superior, a status of being different and a stature of a facade!

Real life doesn't need just -Literacy. It became clearer later when life showed its true hue! Literacy is not defined by the borders of the coherent sentences, the limitations of the words or the norms of the grammar. It co-exist in many forms. The coolness of the morning breeze; overpowered by the sweet song of thrush, the bounties of nature, and the love and care of people. 

Literacy is a window to connect and see the world through a common eye. Yet, it's just eyes and life is seen, felt and lived through many other senses as well. 


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