Benign Strangers

It's quite strange to quote some strange experiences in this strange place!!!
Last saturday, I met this old lady from Italy while shopping at the high street, mostly known as Oxford street.
To elucidate further, I was supposed to shop some b'day presents for my hubby n daughter! But, knowing my disinterest in shopping (quite contrary to the common fact that females love shopping!! and I do not!!) So, hubby followed this tradition and I found a nice tuffet to sit. Not even a minute later this old Italian lady came with her family of four and sat beside me. I think she was much tired like me, as we started talking she said her grand daughter is going to turn twelve next month on 10th and since it's their school summer break, she will b taking her to her homeland, Paris. All her relatives from her husband's side were there in France and they were planning for a nice family reunion along with her grand daughter's birthday treat! It was a co- incidence, I told her that my daughter would turn four on the same day and same month! She looked intently at Siya who was busy twirling, dancing, glancing at the mirrors and singing! Siya turned and sneaked a look at the girl who was dressed like a boy. Siya found it odd and she said, " Mama! Why is she not wearing a Frock ?" Before I could say anything, the old lady said," I was telling my grand daughter that she shares the same birth day and month and look she is wearing a frock, so why can't you wear one?"
The girl gave a sly smile and went to see her mother who was busy trying some clothes for her. While the old lady started talking to me. She said she likes the people who really care for their children and look for their needs. As per her opinion, family is v important and she takes her family from London to meet her relatives in Paris every year. To our dismay, siya and that girl picked up the same dress unknowingly, and I said, 'They have struck the same chords!' I don't know what clicked in that girl's mind, she bought that frock and the old lady thankfully said, "She would be wearing one for the first time. All these eleven years she had never worn a frock!" Well!! what could have I said!! It was a sheer zodiac effect or just an impression!! That one hour in that GAP showroom was a delight. I had almost forgotten the wide chasm of language difference!!!
I had almost travelled with her to the beautiful city of Paris. In the lap of the Eiffel Tower, I had almost told her numerous stories of my great Nation!! Oh!! but Hang on!!! I heard something else, "What??! Oh!! you had a nice time here withe me!! Me too!!" Smilingly, she kissed siya on her forehead and wished her happy b'day in advance! Well!! I did the same with her grand daughter! Though, after her kind gesture, my mind kept thinking, ' Was she expecting this from me or not??' Following the complete ritual, we all bid good bye to each other while I kept thinking in my mind's eye that Europeans are not shrewd after all!!


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