
While putting my daughter to sleep, I am reminded of the sweet touch of my mother when I used to sleep with her as a child. It is quite natural that you tend to relate some of your child’s acts to your own, though in my case it is more than that. I sometimes end up using the same sentences and reacting the same way as my mother used to do to me.

The simple touch of my daughter’s hand, feeling my face with her little fingers in the dark and whispering those most precious words,’ I love you Mum’, force me to sneak back to the time when I used to feel my Mum’s face with my little fingers, when I used to feel the warmth and security in my Mum’s lap and the same precious words which I had said a long time back. I guess there is no copyright to express emotions in a same way. We all feel the same way when it comes to emotions.

It is my daughter who has made me realize that I still feel strongly about expressing my emotions to my parents. I have a strong wish and desire to relive my childhood with my ageing parents.

When I look at my daughter, holding my face in her little hands, I do remember my mother’s beautiful face, the perfect bun she used to adorn, her pretty pink suit which was my favourite, the smell of her soft, silk scarf and the smell of Cinthol talc she used to put everyday. The warmth in her hug and the sweet smell is still fresh in my mind. My dad’s tight grip when he used to take me to school, his aspirations and dreams still seems new to me.

Though, this time when I went home I could see more lines on his face, but his dreams and aspirations for us are still high. My Mom’s beautiful face is even more filled with aged marks. It seemed that time had surely left its mark on her perfect face. Her eyes are always behind the glasses now and her long, lustrous hairs are no more black and shiny. They have turned grey, but one thing is still there her sweet smile.

I want to hold her face in my hands and show her that she is still the most beautiful woman for me. I want to hug her tight and feel the same warmth that I used to feel long time back. Also, I want to hold my dad’s soft hand, where the skin seems to be loosing its sheen. I want to hug him and tell him that he is still my best Daddy and my ideal as he had always been in the years gone by.

Time has surely made us more formal. Despite having been so close to my parents I couldn’t get enough time to say all this. I don’t know when the next time I

Will see them, my dear parents would be even more aged. With life getting busier day by day and not even having time to say, ‘Thank you’ to my dear parents I could just promise that the next time I will be there I would definitely get the warm hugs I had been longing for. And, for me they are still the world’s best parents. .


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